Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Hertz,F. with Doskow,E. (Nolo)(n.d.) Marriage Rights and Benefits Retrieved from 13 October 2011
Cline,A. (n.d.) Arguments Against Gay Marriage: Gay Couples are Unnatural
Retrieved from 13 October 2011
30 July 2011 Messeril,J. Should Same-Sex Marriages be Legalized?
Retrived from 12 October 2011
what does the Bible say about gay marriage / same sex marriage?
Retrieved from 12 October 2011
Same Sex Marriage Should Be Legal
Retrieved from 12 October 2011
Gay Greek Mythology Retrieved from 12 October 2011
Ansley,G. Aug 10, 2011 Gay minister and partner expecting baby through IVF
Retrived from 10 October 2011

YouTube Catholic FAQ #6: Why marriage between one man & one woman?
Retrieved from 9 October 2011

Retrieved from 9 October 2011


To conclude, no matter what your religion, races you are in, the society should recognize same-sex marriage equal to the gay marriage. Denying civil rights to same-sex marriage couples are wrong and they should fix it.

About gay marriage, which many people are opposed, I would like to ask again. Why are ordinary people who want to get married, and I sure would like to register our marriage legally. Homosexuals do the same. They married in the same bill as a human being is respected and recognized wants. They should not be overlooked that the same human being. They love just the same last name, and get married and we and others seem to think that a separate organism itself does not understand them can be called prejudice.

For example, the love of the same surname as the religious, it's against mother nature as opposed to human beings against human beings that love of nature also be contrary to, huh? Many criminal offenses in the world that they happened, and many others damaged. But more common, such as gay marriage and those who do not meet the values ​​and it's not a criminal offense and does not it? Rather, the common people's prejudice and discrimination they face a great deal of trust and love as much as we thought because it has a deeper relationship than you think you should have. We had already abandoned narrow-minded way of thinking, such as how to live as a human being, if the recognition of diversity, they can live more freely, and will consider a positive attitude.

Why same-sex marriage should be allowed

The marriage should be decided by partner’s emotion.

It doesn't hurt society or anyone in particular.

Homosexuals have their own world and the people should respect it.

Some people say 'Homosexual couples doen't look good. It looks dirty." That is personal prejudice which

society  has been made.

Homosexuals should be allowed to be married because they are same as everyone else.

So why should not they have same benefits?

Looking at the example happened in Australia,

Even though, the prime minister is happy because she is friend but she won’t change her opinion about gay

marriage. Therefore, she won’t support changing the law without agreement from her political party.

Being a position of Minister of Finance means that she is intelligent and person.

And becoming a homosexual, marrying with another homosexul doesn't stop her from doing

her job.

Even in the Greek myth,there was a gay couple.

Meaning that the homosexual was done from the very long time.

 It's also problematic to say that the myths are about "gay" love. Greek homosexuality is more complex and the Greeks would not have thought of themselves as gay.

Homosexuality is not happened in recent years. If it's been a long time came, it was also one way of human living is to admit.

Listening to the opposite side

People ban same –sex marriage, because it is against religion and tradition. Christianity bans same-
sex marriage. Although, the Bible doesn’t strictly deal with ‘same-sex-marriage’, many Christians regard
same-sex marriage as ‘a sin’ because the Bible 'condemns homosexuality as an immoral and unnatural

“Leviticus 18:22, identifies homosexual sex as an abomination, a detestable sin.
Romans 1:26-27 declares homosexual desires and actions to be shameful, unnatural, lustful, and
First Corinthians 6:9 states that homosexuals are unrighteous and will not inherit the kingdom
of God. Since both homosexual desires and actions are condemned in the Bible, it is clear that
homosexuals “marrying” is not God’s will, and would be, in fact, sinful.”

( Leviticus 20:13 )

However, opposition from the Bible, but
 Then and now has changed a lot in comparison with everything.
 Environment values ​​or the situation of law rules to be applied as of now is absurd.
  At that time, for example in the Bible treats women and foreigners, who have almost without
 being ignored by the society, but nowadats everybody is equal.
If someone ignored by gender or race, he/she is assumed that he/she is antiquated in this era behind.

Legal benefits of marriage and disadvantage of same sex-marriage

Legal benefits of marriage

Looking at the U.S.A., there are lots of legal benefits such as tax concessions, estate planning, social security, employment, medical, death, family, housing and consumer benefits. In terms of tax benefits, if you are married, you can file joint income tax returns with the IRS and state taxing authorities. and create a "family partnership" under federal tax laws, which allows you to divide business income among family members. These are the important reasons why people get married beside emotinal feelings.

Disadvantage of same sex-marriage

In New Zealand, if you are in same-sex marriage, the government doesn’t recognize you as Civil union or
partnership ‘marriage’, therefore you won’t get the benefits which normal marriage can have.

All human happiness and human dignity must be respected.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Introduction to Same-sex marriage

Traditionally, marriage was a religious ceremony to celebrate the consummation of a couple who were in a heterosexual relationship.
But times have changed. In recent years, heterosexual couples got married to show their commitment to be with each other and to have children.
Legal benefits associated with being married can be advantageous.
Homosexual couples are denied these benefits.
Although some countries allow civil unions there are very few places where gay couples can get married.

In many countries teaches us that human beings are equal, so I should just know.However, for a long time about homosexuality in the religious standpoint or because of prejudice against homosexuals, without understanding or caring, that's bad, and think are negative.Many kinds of people live in this world, and there are many different cultures. However, we have a judge decide whether this is good and the bad, and that you can not. They really wired for their own individual circumstances or because the background. People living in Africa wear clothes, without looking to buy are primitive man could say, just as less doelda, that gay people are human, we and others think that you can not build a single-precision.